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to be released in the coming months.
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Pre-Order Store!
JOIN THE DWELLINGS NEWSLETTERWelcome to the Dwellings of Eldervale Pre-Order Store!
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Dwellings Of Eldervale - Standard Edition
Adventure awaits all who enter this long-lost world of magical power. Here, brave warriors and powerful wizards join forces in a never-ending battle against giant monsters, traversing 8 elemental realms. Along the way, treasures and secrets are unearthed which are invaluable for those seeking to realize their dreams and harness the power of the ancients. Embark now on this incredible journey to Fight the Beasts, Dwell the Land and Claim the Magic!
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Thank you for your interest in pre-ordering Dwellings of Eldervale and related items! This web store is set up as a Buying Guide to help you understand what is available based on what you now own. Each button below is a portal to a specific buying guide based on what you own. Choose wisely!
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Buying Guide - I Own Nothing
Hello! You are in the right place to START FRESH and get the Dwellings of Eldervale Standard base game and any other items you wish to purchase. The order items on this page contain every component and game play element ever made for Dwellings of Eldervale. ALL order items you can see here contain unique, unduplicated sets of components. The top 2 recommends for expanding game play beyond the base game are already included in the Standard base game: Mother of Dragons and Frost Giant. The next two recommends are the Oracle tile (extends play time/tableau building) and the Legendary Upgrade Kit (a second monster for each Element, sound FX bases). Everything fits in the Standard game box!

Dwellings of Eldervale is an epic worker placement, engine building game with unique worker types, tons of variable player powers and the ability to customize your tableau of cards! Core gameplay is simple and quick yet layered with choices, so it’s never the same adventure twice!

Dwellings Of Eldervale
Standard Edition
Adventure awaits all who enter this long-lost world of magical power. Here, brave warriors and powerful wizards join forces in a never-ending battle against giant monsters, traversing 8 elemental realms. Along the way, treasures and secrets are unearthed which are invaluable for those seeking to realize their dreams and harness the power of the ancients. Embark now on this incredible journey to Fight the Beasts, Dwell the Land and Claim the Magic!